Monika Ryškutė

MONIKA RYŠKUTĖ is a Lithuanian concert performer and flute teacher in two local music schools. She graduated her bachelor studies in Music Academy of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, as a student in Giedrius Gelgotas class. During her studies, she took an opportunity to study the Art of Flute Performance abroad, at the Giuseppe Verdi conservatoire in Milan, Italy via the Erasmus exchange program. While studying, Ms. Ryškutė started performing concerts in major Lithuanian cultural events,  continuing these performances until today. As a soloist, she performed in Kaunas State Philharmonic and performed her own recitals in Kaunas, Vilnius and many other Lithuanian cities.

Monika has participated in International William Bennet Summer School as a concert performer for three consecutive years. Ms. Ryškutė has participated in many international masterclasses by Denis Bouriakov, Lorna McGhee, Sibel Pensel, Felix Renggli, Pirmin Grehl, Davide Formisano and many other professionals in the field of flute performance. She gave her masterclass lectures in the "Big Flute Days" festival in Moscow, Russia.

Monika Ryškutė plays an ALTUS flute and is supporting the brand AZUMI as an ambassador.


"La caratteristica più significativa dei flauti AZUMI è l'opportunità per l'esecutore di rivelare le proprie capacità tecniche grazie all'eccellente meccanica dello strumento e di esprimersi liberamente nella musica grazie al meraviglioso suono del flauto, che non solo rivela le sfumature dell'articolazione, ma rivela anche i sentimenti dell'esecutore nella musica attraverso la varietà di colori del suono del flauto."